catchment modelling framework
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Space and time in cmf

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Note for Python 2 users

To show our results, we are using Python's print statement / function. However, "print" has changed between python 2 and 3. To run our examples python 2 users should always start their programs with the following line:

from __future__ import print_function, division

This import the behaviour of the python3 print function as well as the improved handling of integer division into python 2. Using this line in python3 is fine and changes nothing.


Many objects in cmf have a position in space given as coordinates. Such spatial position is crucial for spatial explicit models, like distributed models. You can either use a local reference system (you declare a point as the origin of the coordinate system) or you can use a spatial reference system with GPS coordinates The spatial reference system you prefer is your choice, as long as the following conditions are met:

  • The reference system must be a cartesian system (projected). - Length needs to be measured in m

Or, simply put, UTM coordinates are fine, decimal degrees are not.

If you need to provide a position in cmf, in most cases a point is expected. However, any sequence (tuple, list, numpy array) with three numbers and any object providing x,y and z properties will be accepted by cmf as a point. In the tutorials, a tuple like (54321,2456.2,3.2), or more often (0,0,0) is used.


CMF uses the Time and the Date class for calculations with time.

Time is used both for absolute time stamps as well as for time differences. CMF accepts python's datetime and timedelta objects also and converts the m internally to cmf.Time. The Date class exists only for some features that are valid for absolute time spans. Every Time is convertable to a Date and vice versa.

The cmf.Time can be used with some operators, like +,-,*,/,% (modulo). Not all operations are sensible, of course. The addition of two absolute timestamps is not meaningful, but the addition of an absolute timestamp and a time span. To simplify programming some time span constants are defined: cmf.year, cmf.month, cmf.week, cmf.day, cmf.hour, cmf.min, cmf.sec, cmf.ms.


Forcing data for hydrological models is organized in timeseries. To use time series data in cmf effectivly, cmf provides the timeseries class. Timeseries objects in cmf have always a fixed step size (step) and a defined time for the first data entry (begin). The data is stored as a sequence of values. The end time of the time series is calculated from begin, step and the number of entries in the series.

timeseries objects are queried with a time and return the value for that time. If the time is before begin or after end, the first resp. last entry in the dataset is returned. Hence, constant "timeseries", with only one scalar entry containing the constant can be used. These "timeseries" return the scalar value regardless of the time. Values between the timesteps are interpolated using a linear or a nearest neighbor interpolation.

Creating timeseries

The standard way

The simplest and most common way to use timeseries in cmf is to create an empty timeseries (no entry) with a begin and a step size. After creation the add method is used to fill the timeseries with data.

import cmf
from datetime import datetime,timedelta
# Create an empty timeseries, with a 30 min time step. Alternativly you can write the
# time step as step = timedelta(minutes=30).
# The interpolation method is by default linear interpolation
data = cmf.timeseries(begin = datetime(2010,1,1), step = cmf.min * 30)
# Add data for two days, alternating between 0 and 1
for i in range(96):
data.add(i % 2)
# Print some values
# Value at a certain time step
print(data[datetime(2010,1,1,6)]) # returns 0.0
# Value between time steps, 15 minutes late
print(data[datetime(2010,1,1,6,15)]) # returns 0.5
# Value before begin
print(data[datetime(2009,12,24)]) # returns 0.0
# Value after end
print(data[datetime(2010,1,5)]) # returns 1.0

Scalar timeseries

Objects that expect a timeseries, but should have in your model a constant in time are represented as a single value timeseries. To reduce the number of lines needed to define a constant timeseries, the static method from_scalar exists:

# Create a constant timeseries
data = cmf.timeseries.from_scalar(0.5)

However, some objects expecting timeseries will do the conversion from a scalar to a timeseries gracefully behind the scences and accept a number instead of the timeseries object. Just try it

From numpy arrays and other sequences

If the data you want to store in a timeseries is in a Python iterable (list, tuple, generators, etc.) the timeseries can be created in one step, with out the need to write a loop yourself. A shorter replacement for the example above is:

data = cmf.timeseries.from_sequence(begin=datetime(2010,1,1),
sequence=(i % 2 for i in range(96)))

If you have already stored your data in a numpy array, a very fast (C/C++ based) method exists to copy the array into a timeseries object. As an example we store random normal distributed values for 50 days in 30 minute stepsize in a timeseries:

import cmf
import numpy as np
data = cmf.timeseries.from_array(begin=datetime(2010,1,1),
data = np.random.normal(0,1.,2400))

However, you do not gain speed or simplicity if you fill the array beforehand with a Python loop.

From a binary file

In general, cmf is file format agnostic. As shown above you can read your data from any datasource and add it with your code to the timeseries objects. However, if you are calibrating a fast conceptual model on a super computer, reading from the files can be quite an overhead. You can (but do not have to) write timeseries in a specific binary format to disk and read it afterwards.

# Load a timeseries from the file named 'my.timeseries'
data = cmf.timeseries.from_file('my.timeseries')
# Save the timeseries to a file named 'my2nd.timeseries'

The file format is described in the docstring of the to_file method. For interprocess exchange, the to_buffer and from_buffer method uses the same format as for files, but write the data to a binary string in memory instead of the file.

Removing no-data values within timeseries

Because your model will create odd results with common no-data values as e.g. ‘-999’, you should first examine your data and in case interpolate it. CMF gives the following function:


By using this function, CMF will take the preceding and following value of the no-data value in the timeseries and return the mean of it.

Calculations with timeseries

Arithmetic operation

You can do calculations with timeseries. This especially handy, if you need to transform a timeseries from one unit to another. Let us assume a timeseries of rainfall data in mm/h. Instead of changing your database, you can just write in your script:

rain = data * 24
# Or if you do not need the old timeseries for something else:
data *= 24

The basic arithmetic operators (+,-+,*,/) are defined for timeseries and scalars, as well as for timeseries on both side of the operand. If you calculate with two timeseries, the timestep and begin of the left side operand is used. The values of the right side are sampled using the inter- and extrapolation rules from above.

Beside the arithmetic operators, there are methods to apply the exponential function (exp), logarithm (log,log10), to raise the timeseries to a scalar power (pow) and to get the inverse of the timeseries (inv).

square_data = data.pow(2.)

Statistical analysis

To get the statistics of a timeseries, use the mean, max, min. For other statistical information, numpy treats cmf timeseries as an array, therefore all functions for numpy arrays are available for cmf timeseries, eg. np.std(data), np.percentile(data,0.1) and all functions from the scipy.stats module (if scipy is available). If you need the time axis for your analysis (or for plotting) you can get the time axis in days since 30.12.1899 as a list by

data_t = [t/cmf.day for t in data.iter_time()]

To smooth timeseries the methods floating_avg, floating_max,floating_min are available for floating window statistics. The functions need the number of entries to be included in the window.

If you need to reduce the frequency of the timeseries, use the methods reduce_avg, reduce_max, reduce_min to retrieve a new timeseries with the average, resp. min or max value in the new timesteps. A common use case is the retrieval of the daily min/max temperature from high frequency data for meteorological station data.

For comparison of timeseries containing model results and observations, you can use the nash_sutcliffe efficiency integrated in cmf:

E = cmf.nash_sutcliffe(model, observation)

Plotting timeseries

Using matplotlib, you can plot timeseries. To make this more convient, cmf has plotting functions integrated, dedicated for timeseries, a function for line graphs and a function for bar graphs. The helper functions to draw cmf objects using matplotlib are in the namespace cmf.draw you need to import seperately.

import cmf.draw
Definition __init__.py:1