catchment modelling framework
No Matches
CMF Descriptor

When creating and using CMF models it can sometimes become quite confusing due to the large amount of code, especially in more complex models. This way mistakes can easily slip through. To help avoid this CMF has a describe function, which outputs a description of the whole model (or parts of it).


First we need to create a simple CMF model.

import cmf
c = p.NewCell(0,0,0,1000)
The study area, holding all cells, outlets and streams.
Definition project.h:53

Add a layer, a outlet and a connection

l1 = c.add_layer(1)
out = p.NewOutlet("out", 0, 0,0)
cmf.LinearStorageConnection(l1, out, 1)

Now we can let CMF describe the whole model or parts of it.


Conveniently we can even have the output written to a file, which we have defined beforehand.

file = open("out.txt", "w")
cmf.describe(p, out=file)


Fluxograms are a novel way to get a nice animation of your model. Sadly, to implement them is a bit complicated. But if you still want to try it a tutorial can be found here: http://fb09-pasig.umwelt.uni-giessen.de/cmf/wiki/fluxogram_and_get_fluxes