catchment modelling framework
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The Shuttleworth-Wallace method for seperated evaporation and transpiration

The separation of plant transpiration and soil evaporation is quite complex, since a vegetation cover does intercept the incoming radiation and changes, by transpiration the vapor pressure deficit inside the canopy. The only method, that separates soil evaporation from plant transpiration implemented in cmf so far, is the ShuttleworthWallace. It implements the evaporation method given by Shuttleworth (1985) as used in BROOK90 (Federer 1995). To install all necessary connections, use:


This installs connections between all layers and cell.transpiration, another connection between the first soil layer and cell.evaporation as well as a connection between the surface water and if they are

If you want to use canopy evaporation and snow sublimation, make sure you have created the appropriate storages from the tutorials about interception and snow before installation.

ShuttleworthWallace is quite parameter demanding - all meteorological parameters available in the Weather object are used as well as all parameters of the Vegetation object.

The transpiration part uses the partitioning described in a later tutorial