catchment modelling framework
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Solute transport (1D)


1D Richards equation model with tracer transport

In this tutorial, we will introduce tracer in the 1D column model from the last tutorial. Tracer transport in cmf is up to now only advective using the equations given here.

The amount of a tracer in a water storage is stored in another state variable, the SoluteStorage. Solute storages are created automatically with their corresponding water storages, when the tracer is installed at project creation. For this example, we will use three tracers, X, Y and Z.

Creating a project with tracer

from __future__ import division, print_function # Python 2/3 compatible code
import cmf
# Create project with space delimited tracer names
p = cmf.project('X Y Z')
# Get the tracers as variables
X,Y,Z = p.solutes
The study area, holding all cells, outlets and streams.
Definition project.h:53

Setting up the 1D column model

Now we set up the simple 1D column model from the lasttutorial" with a constant rainfall rate. For every water storage that is created, three solute storages are created automatically: @icode{py} # Create a single cell c with a surfacewater storage, which references 3 solute storages c = p.NewCell(0,0,0,1000,with_surfacewater = True) # Create 50 layers with 2cm thickness for i in range(50): # Add a layer. Each layer will reference 3 solute storages c.add_layer((i+1)*0.02, cmf.VanGenuchtenMualem()) # Use Richards equation c.install_connection(cmf.Richards) # Use a constant rainfall of 100 mm to wash out the tracers fast c.set_rainfall(100.) # Make a groundwater boundary condition gw = p.NewOutlet('gw',0,0,-1.5) cmf.Richards(c.layers[-1],gw) @endicode <h2>Solving a system with tracer transport</h2> There are two possibilities to solve a system with tracer transport: 1\. Solving the whole system as one including the water storages and the solute storages as state variables 1. Use one solver for the water transport and one solver for each tracer. <h3>1\. One solver</h3> Since our system is stiff (see @ref cmfTutSolver "here" and @ref cmfTut1d "last tutorial") the best choice is the CVode solver. The setup is simple: @icode{py} solver = cmf.CVodeKrylov(p, 1e-9) print(solver.size()) @endicode The print command shows, that the system to be solved is for a single soil column quite big (<tt>(50 soillayers + 1 surface water storage)\\*(1 water storage + 3 solute storages) = 204 storages</tt>). A second problem with this approach is, that closely related storages (soillayers) are not directly beneath each other in the list of storages. This makes the numerical solution of the system much more computational demanding. However, the error checking capabilities of the solver is used for the whole system, thus the result is numerically reliable. <h3>2\. Seperated solvers for water and tracers</h3> The setup for seperated solvers is only a bit more complicated, if one uses the @ref cmf::math::SoluteWaterIntegrator "SoluteWaterIntegrator" (SWI for further use). The SWI implements the interface of cmf integrators, but uses in our case for solvers internally, one for the water transport, and 3 for the 3 tracers. The SWI is created using a template for the water solver and one template for the solute solvers. When the SWI should integrate over a given timespan (eg. one hour), the water integrator is run first for a single timestep, that might be shorter than one hour for convergence reasons. Then the solute sovers are run after that for the same timestep. Since the boundary conditions of the solute system change at each time step by the water transport, multistep methods, like CVode or @ref cmf::math::BDF2 "BDF2" need to be reset at each internal timestep. Hence, single step methods, like @ref cmf::math::ImplicitEuler "ImplicitEuler" are a good choice for the solute transport. However, you encouraged to do your own tests with different solvers.

Be aware, when doing such an operator split, the error tolerance given for each solver is not globally valid, the numerical error for the whole system will be larger. In general, the numerical dispersion of tracers seem to increase a bit by using a SWI instead of a single solver for the whole system.

# Template for the water solver
wsolver = cmf.CVodeKrylov(p,1e-9)
# Template for the solute solver
ssolver = cmf.ImplicitEuler(p,1e-9)
# Creating the SWI, the storage objects of the project are internally assigned to the correct solver
solver = cmf.SoluteWaterIntegrator(p.solutes, wsolver,ssolver,p)

Run the model

Inital conditions

As initial conditions, we use the hydrostatic equilibrium for 1.5 m groundwater level, and a solute concentration of 1 g/m3 for X in the first layer, 1 g/m3 for Y in the 10th layer, 1g/m3 for Z in the 20th layer

c.saturated_depth = 1.5
c.layers[0].conc(X,1.) c.layers[10].conc(Y,1.)

Run the model

The model runtime can be like this:

# Save wetness and concentration of all layers
conc = [] wetness = []
# save groundwater recharge
# save concentration of recharge
# Run for one week with hourly time step
for t in solver.run(solver.t,solver.t + cmf.week,cmf.h):
# Get concentration of all layers
conc.append([[l.conc(T) for T in p.solutes] for l in c.layers])
wetness.append([l.wetness for l in c.layers])
# Get water balance of groundwater
crecharge.append([gw.conc(t,T) for T in p.solutes])

Plot results

The results should show 5 subplots. The first shows the recharge and the concentration of the recharge, the second the soil moisture distribution and the third to fifth the concentration distribution over time. The x axis shows always time.

# Plot the result
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
# Plot gw recharge and its concentration
ax1 = plt.subplot(511)
plt.ylabel('recharge in mm/day')
# Plot concentration of recharge in the same plot
plt.ylabel('Conc. in g/m3')
# Plot wetness profile over time
# Plot concentration profiles over time. To see more, the color scale is limited to 0.1 g/m3.
for i in range(3):
plt.imshow(np.transpose(conc)[i],cmap=plt.cm.copper,aspect='auto',vmax=0.1) plt.ylabel(p.solutes[i])